Let's see... why would one care about what the other people think? My stand is that we shouldn't. Seriously, what do I have to do with all the people whom I meet randomly at a party, on a street and I just interact with for a couple of minutes or even for a night. I believe I'm good enough for people to like me in 8.5/10 interactions :P... that's a good enough ratio for me I think. And then, for someone to really know me, they need to spend some time... I learned not to judge people on appearances and I learned it's useless to try to impress someone. Say you have some stuff you want people not to notice and you're trying all that hard for people to like you... well people might like you, and then they'll want to spend more and more time with you, because they like you, but... tough luck... no one can pretend forever. You just can't pretend forever, it comes a time when you just get tired and say - screw it. And if you don't and end up living your life trying to make people like you and be by some standards... it's really sad...

What standards are we trying to meet? Society! yes... and structures! yes... the system! another one... all these set standards right?! very true... but hmm... people seemed to manage to create their own lifestyle and escape the 'system' hundreds of years ago. They could just be however they wanted... So if they managed to do this back then, I'm pretty sure anyone could manage today, when the societies are so much more liberal... where there is so much more space for everyone to develop in their own special way... Screw society, structures and the system... seriously... it's not worth it... we only have one life to live, so forget how people think and be genuine... I think if more people were genuine about what they were doing and were not doing most of the things because they 'have to', without taking responsibility for it but rather placing it on... whoever... if more people were really more genuine and did what they really felt like doing (like me watching this movie right now :P kidding) we'll all be better off, our interactions would be more meaningful and it would be easier for us to grow, and bloom... I always remember Little Miss Sunshine... gorgeous movie! there is a line there in which I fully believe: If I want to fly, I'll find a way to fly as easy as that.
What people think... it is important, but only as long as they know you, if they don't, it's not worth it... at all... I don't know how coherent I've been... I'll find out when I read it over some time, but by then, the movie is close to its end, so... I'll get a full grasp of that ;) As an ending... how about make love not war... I think that's a good one in essence.
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